Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stargate fix
We went to a neighbor's BBQ last night. It was fun: good times, good people, Indio beer. While talking with a few of the other guests about TV options (DirecTV, SkyTV, local cable, Dish, etc.), we confirmed that our host was indeed a SciFi fan and he loaned us most of this season's episodes of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Apparently someone knows someone who has MythTV, something I really wanted to try, but never found sufficient time to build. I figured that or a Slingbox set up back at my in-laws or a friend's house would likely get me through the rough patches without key shows while I'm overseas.

About this time we began to hear thunder. Their dog, Mariposa - named for her love of chasing butterflies, immediately sought out "dad" and began shaking. She really hates thunderstorms. Several of the other families chose this time to leave as well, it was past the kids' bedtimes. Knowing our cowardly canine was undoubtedly frightened as well, we made our goodbyes, too.

After another 20-30 minutes of thunder, all was well: no rain, no more lightning. We broke out the sangria I made the night before and watched the first episode of this season's Stargate SG-1, "Flesh & Blood." It was enjoyable and capped the evening off nicely. In a few weeks we'll be caught up and, with a little luck, have a TV package that actually includes the SciFi channel. And of course, we'll keep our fingers crossed that somehow SciFi changes its mind and renews SG1 for an 11th season. If you want to add your voice to one or more of the campaigns to save the show, here's a link at that points to several.

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