Thursday, October 12, 2006

How the time does fly....

Hi, my name is Neal, and I have a problem: I haven't been posting either frequently or in quantity.

So... to take up where we left off, last Saturday we visited downtown Monterrey, Barrio Angtiguo, to see the Street Painting Festival. For this event, a short street was closed and a number of artists from both Mexico and Texas reproduced classic works on the pavement with chalk. Here's a perspective shot, as you come up to the start of the Festival.

And here's another perspective partway through.

Here are two shots of one particular work-in-progress.

Here are a group of artists taking a break. We found that technique varied: some started with the hardest part of the image, finishing it completely before moving on; others did a rough-in of everthing, then refined it piece-by-piece.

Here are several that we both enjoyed, including a Dali.

There were also entertainers dressed in Renaissance garb wandering about, including this jester who posed for us. A group of about 20 young men strolled through playing guitars and singing.

Next post (coming soon, honest!) - the children's art.

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